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There are 361 so-called acupuncture points on the surface of the body, and there are routes called meridians that connect these acupuncture points. For example, acupuncture points are like stations, and meridians are like railroad tracks. Just as if there is some kind of trouble at a station, the train will not be able to run on the tracks normally, if there is trouble at the acupuncture points, Qi and blood will not be able to flow smoothly through the meridians. Qi and Blood can also be said to be energy and blood. Some acupuncture point where meridians merge or diverge are particularly important just as some stations are, and if the flow of Qi and blood becomes stagnant at such an important acupuncture point, it will cause mental and physical discomfort. Not only can it cause discomfort in the parts of the body and internal organs related to acupuncture points, but it can also lead to mental illness and disrupt the balance of the autonomic nervous system. Acupuncture treatment uses needles and moxibustion to stimulate acupuncture points that have problems and stagnate flow, thereby releasing hormones (endogenous opioids) that act like morphine in the central nervous system and relieve pain. It blocks the nerve pathways that sends the signal of pain to the brain. This body response is used to relieve pain in the joints and muscles, as well as loosen muscle tissue tension, while suppressing inflammation. In addition, symptoms such as dullness and swelling of the face are often caused by stiffness in the neck and shoulders, headaches, eye strain, irritation, and fatigue. Facial acupuncture, which applies acupuncture to not only the face but also the neck, shoulders, and head, smoothes the flow of blood and lymph, making it possible to improve dullness and swelling of the face. It is also effective for relieving jaw fatigue caused by clenching and teeth grinding, as well as stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and scalp. Furthermore, it adjusts the autonomic nervous system and other nerve pathways and hormone balance, helping to restore sleep cycles, mental and physical balance, and stable functions of internal organs. Qi and blood are distributed to every corner of the body, freeing you from pain and leading you to a naturally healthy body and mind with physical strength and natural healing power.



The manipulative treatment combines Shiatsu, muscle massage, lymphatic massage, and stretching according to your body's condition, and aims to recover your body's fatigue through relaxation and comfort. If you are not comfortable with acupuncture or moxibustion, we offer conditioning as the main treatment method. Shiatsu involves applying vertical pressure to acupressure points which are located all over the body. By continuously applying pressure to the acupuncture points, which are also important in acupuncture and moxibustion, the pressure stimulates the deep layers of the muscles. It relieves tension in muscle tissue and promotes blood and lymph flow. A muscle massage using pressure applied through the fingers and palms removes fatigue substances from the muscles and restores the original balance of the muscles. Lymph massage also promotes lymph flow and reduces blood flow stagnation. Stretching using a yoga mat or fitness ball can help relieve muscle weakness and muscle contraction caused by lack of exercise, and conversely help keep muscles and joints that have become overly tense due to excessive exercise flexible. It is also effective in preventing injuries and preventing muscle soreness after exercise. The moderate feeling of fatigue you feel after a light workout also helps you get appropriate rest. We use manipulative treatments to correct torsion of the trunk and distortion of the pelvis, adjust the overall balance of the body, and treat physical disorders specific to athletes and maintain their physical ailments. Further physical recovery can be expected when combined with acupuncture and myofascial release therapy.



Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre and muscle in place. Fascia runs from your head to your toes and contains nerves and blood vessels that help adjust your joints and muscles. Excessive tension or stress on the fascia, or excessive adhesion of the fascia, can disrupt the balance of transmission between muscles, fascia, and nerves, leading to pain. For example, if you feel like your shoulder is twisting when you throw a ball, even though there is no obvious injury, fascial adhesions may be one of the causes. If fascia adhesions are left untreated for many years, it can lead to an imbalance in the entire body, resulting in secondary disorders such as internal structures such as lymphatic vessels, blood vessels, organs, glandular digestive tracts, etc. not being able to fulfil their original roles. Myofascial Release Therapy (MRT) uses slide cupping, which involves placing cupping in close contact with the skin coated with jojoba oil and sliding the skin. By suctioning the skin and fascia, the adhesions are alleviated. It is highly effective in relaxing muscle stiffness and reducing swelling, and especially for those who feel tired or stiff, they will feel refreshed and light after the treatment. For patients who wish to receive treatment other than cupping, I use hand techniques to find the position where the adhesions between muscles and fascia loosen, gradually untwist the fascia, and reduce tension. MRT encourage the fibres to glide smoothly again, rebuilding a balanced tissue.




80min ¥13,000


Endeavor to address all your issues to help balance your mental and physical states


50min  ¥9,000


Several issues will be focused on to stabilize your well being 


25min  ¥5,000


Your most pressing issue will be addressed in a short session【Not suitable for your first session.  Please book “COMPLETE” or “INTENSIVE”】

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